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  1. City academic authors Nature Medicine article

    City academic authors Nature Medicine article

    Self-referrals to psychological therapies increased by an AI chatbot, according to an article by Professor Jacqueline Sin in the prestigious journal

    Hashtag: Research news

  2. Professor Sonia Falconieri takes up new senior role

    Professor Sonia Falconieri takes up new senior role

    Professor Sonia Falconieri sees her research background as a boon in new role

  3. Ambitious workers park the office politics when employer is struggling, study suggests

    Ambitious workers park the office politics when employer is struggling, study suggests

    Analysis ofriders' overtaking patterns provides interesting insights into other workplaces

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  4. Outlook for M&A 2024: Experts predict upturn in fortunes after rocky 12 months

    Outlook for M&A 2024: Experts predict upturn in fortunes after rocky 12 months

    Mergers & Acquisitions Research Centre hosts annual expert panel to discuss trends in global deal-making.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, announcements

  5. Taking a global view of musical care

    Taking a global view of musical care

    Musical Care International Network aims to clarify how musical care might be relevant to other contexts, countries and cultures

    Hashtag: Research news

  6. Gender-diverse boardrooms reduce leaked deal information, new research suggests

    Mergers & Acquisitions Research Centre (MARC) study with SS&C Intralinks adds to growing support for female representation in senior leadership positions.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  7. Meet Tim Utzig, student on the world’s first MA in Podcasting

    Meet Tim Utzig, student on the world’s first MA in Podcasting

    Aspiring podcaster Tim Utzig wants to share stories about disability activism, sports and politics.

    Hashtags: Campus life, Student success

  8. Professor Katrin Hohl appointed inaugural Lord Mayor’s Fellow

    Professor Katrin Hohl appointed inaugural Lord Mayor’s Fellow

    City, University of London and the Lord Mayor partner on a shared civic goal: combatting violence against women and girls in the City.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  9. City hosts winter 2024 graduations at the Barbican Centre

    City hosts winter 2024 graduations at the Barbican Centre

    3,000 City, University of London students graduate across four days of ceremonies at the Barbican Centre in January 2024.

    Hashtag: Campus life

  10. Supporting doctors to lead the NHS into a brighter future

    Supporting doctors to lead the NHS into a brighter future

    Alumni, students and health leaders meet at annual medical leadership course reception

    Hashtag: Announcements