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  1. Bayes expert gives cautious welcome to sustainable investment labels

    Bayes expert gives cautious welcome to sustainable investment labels

    UK financial regulator's sustainable labelling scheme will help us invest sustainably but won't end greenwashing says Professor Jean-Pascal Gond

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  2. Farmers impoverished by climate change make 'lose-lose' choices

    Farmers impoverished by climate change make 'lose-lose' choices

    Farmers already hit by climate change faced with a choice of their families ‘starving today’ or going thirsty tomorrow, choose to feed their families today.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  3. COP28: We need a reality check on hopes for carbon capture and removal

    COP28: We need a reality check on hopes for carbon capture and removal

    Carbon capture and storage and reforestation are not silver bullets on climate change

  4. Research uncovers the power of narrative in selling “unconventional” products

    Research uncovers the power of narrative in selling “unconventional” products

    Study by Bayes Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation identifies how sellers of unique items can broaden their appeal.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  5. Bayes Business School marks COP28 with event on decarbonising shipping

    Bayes Business School marks COP28 with event on decarbonising shipping

    Experts consider how the sector can be supported to cut greenhouse gas emissions

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  6. Bayes Business School academics recognised for exceptional contributions

    Bayes Business School academics recognised for exceptional contributions

    Promotions highlight faculty members’ impact on research and teaching.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. Conference offers spark of creativity as AI tsunami flows into business world

    Conference offers spark of creativity as AI tsunami flows into business world

    Event explores how businesses can fuse AI technology with creativity to maximise impact and sees launch of service blending tech and Bayes' business expertise

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  8. Bayes experts reflect on climate change impact and the COP process

    Bayes experts reflect on climate change impact and the COP process

    Bayes academics talk about what their research – and first hand experience of COPs – has them thinking about with COP28 well underway

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  9. Bayes Business School named as a top five UK business school by Financial Times ranking

    Bayes Business School named as a top five UK business school by Financial Times ranking

    Bayes moves up in annual ranking of European business schools.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. In search of clinical acceptance: life as a healthcare entrepreneur

    In search of clinical acceptance: life as a healthcare entrepreneur

    EntrepreneursTalk@Bayes welcomes James Dacombe and Saul Klein OBE to discuss investment and innovation in healthcare.

    Hashtag: Announcements