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  1. Creative energy to the fore at Bayes Alumni Forum

    Creative energy to the fore at Bayes Alumni Forum

    Alumni met up with old friends andBayes Alumni Forum event.

  2. Beauty is in the iris: bigger irises make people more attractive

    Beauty is in the iris: bigger irises make people more attractive

    A study has found that people appear more attractive when their pupils are constricted, making their coloured irises seem bigger and brighter.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  3. Protestant Work Ethic may drive a liking for ‘natural’ healthcare, study finds

    Protestant Work Ethic may drive a liking for ‘natural’ healthcare, study finds

    People who strongly embrace values such as self-relianceand hard work show a preference for 'natural' healthcare - ranging from childbirth choices to upset stomach meds

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  4. Bayes lecture explores open banking and credit access

    Bayes lecture explores open banking and credit access

    Professor Puri explains how open banking is boosting access to credit for financially excluded

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  5. Comments on apprenticeship levy decline

    Comments on apprenticeship levy decline

    Professor Amanda Goodall and Ruth Velenski at Bayes Business School(formerly Cass), explain the situation surrounding recent findings about UK apprenticeships.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  6. Government will miss key levelling up targets on health inequalities, study warns

    Government will miss key levelling up targets on health inequalities, study warns

    Smoking andresearch warns

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  7. Companies can capitalise on crises to thrive in their industry, study finds

    Companies can capitalise on crises to thrive in their industry, study finds

    Companies on the periphery of inter-organisational networks can capitalise on disruptions to gain influence in their industries, new research has found.

  8. Panel explores how women can climb ladder in 'male' industries

    Panel explores how women can climb ladder in 'male' industries

    While many glass ceilings have been broken, women seeking and holding leadership roles inface particular challenges

    Hashtag: Announcements

  9. New lending for commercial real estate fell last year to lowest level in a decade

    New lending for commercial real estate fell last year to lowest level in a decade

    Bayes bi-annual real estate report shows significant year-on-year decline in new lending

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  10. In vino veritas

    In vino veritas

    Join Bayes academics and PhD students in the pub as part of national Pint of Science Week.

    Hashtag: Announcements