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  1. Learning on the road: MSc Management at the Tate Modern

    Learning on the road: MSc Management at the Tate Modern

    How learning at a London art museum is enhancing the student experience.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. Bayes partners with The Brilliant Club to promote equal access to university

    Bayes partners with The Brilliant Club to promote equal access to university

    New three-year partnership will give more than 650 pupils a year the opportunity to experience life at a London university.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  3. Charities can make “huge difference” to society by working with government and private business, says Lord Gus O’Donnell

    Charities can make “huge difference” to society by working with government and private business, says Lord Gus O’Donnell

    Centre for Charity Effectiveness hosts anniversary event to ask what is next for civil society leaders?'

    Hashtags: Expert comment, announcements

  4. Now is the right time for the Glazer family to sell Manchester United, says M&A expert

    Now is the right time for the Glazer family to sell Manchester United, says M&A expert

    Dr Naaguesh Appadu explains why the Glazers have outlined plans for new investment in the Premier League club.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  5. New research suggests pensions savers lose £1.7 billion each year as they enter retirement

    New report finds pension scheme members lose significant value of their savings through poor guidance.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  6. The end of low interest rates? Why now is the time to seek help from the Bank of Mum and Dad

    The end of low interest rates? Why now is the time to seek help from the Bank of Mum and Dad

    Professor Les Mayhew believes that the fall in five-year fixed-term mortgage rates is not enough to support a change in fortunes for those wanting to buy.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  7. AI-powered make-up mirrors are driving consumers back to stores as they enhance sense of ‘fakeness’, new study finds

    AI-powered make-up mirrors are driving consumers back to stores as they enhance sense of ‘fakeness’, new study finds

    New research explores why consumers are reluctant to use augmented reality make-up mirrors, with users fearing Augmented Reality (AR) devices/apps distort how others see them as well as how they perceive themselves.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  8. Ahead of Black Friday, should we embrace or resist a cashless society?

    Ahead of Black Friday, should we embrace or resist a cashless society?

    Bayes banking experts comment on whether there is a global shift towards a cashless society.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  9. How are creative problem solving and AI supporting business leaders in making improved decisions?

    How are creative problem solving and AI supporting business leaders in making improved decisions?

    CreAtIve Comm 22 conference explores how business owners have taken learning and research and applied to real world situations.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  10. Why COP27 should be the last of these pointless corporate love-ins

    Why COP27 should be the last of these pointless corporate love-ins

    Professor Bobby Banerjee, who is attending COP27, on why he will not be attending any future editions of the conference.

    Hashtag: Expert comment