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  1. Urdang students and alumni perform for Jamaican High Commission to commemorate anniversaries of Windrush and island’s independence

    Urdang students and alumni perform for Jamaican High Commission to commemorate anniversaries of Windrush and island’s independence

    City performing artists celebrate Jamaican life and 75 years since Windrush.

  2. Lila Vialat becomes Bayes’ first BSc Business Management with Social Purpose graduate

    Lila Vialat becomes Bayes’ first BSc Business Management with Social Purpose graduate

    Undergraduate student finds purpose and hopes to better the world with her mix of business and charity sector knowledge

  3. New scholarships available for MSc in Corporate Risk Management

    New scholarships available for MSc in Corporate Risk Management

    The Institute of Risk Management (IRM) Educational Foundation will support two students at Bayes Business School

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. Professor Emmeline Taylor appears on BBC Newsnight to discuss the recent rise in thefts from Britain’s museums

    Professor Emmeline Taylor appears on BBC Newsnight to discuss the recent rise in thefts from Britain’s museums

    Professor of Criminology comments on increase in museum crime and motivations behind stealing.

  5. MSc in Mental Health Nursing alumna wins RCN Foundation Impact Award

    MSc in Mental Health Nursing alumna wins RCN Foundation Impact Award

    Royal College of Nursing award won by staff nurse and City alumna, Fartun Ali for her outstanding achievement in pre-registration student nursing and midwifery.

    Hashtag: Student success

  6. European Social Survey Director scoops prestigious international award

    European Social Survey Director scoops prestigious international award

    Professor Rory Fitzgerald wins Slovakian prize in the field of social and cultural sciences.

  7. Blue-light filtering spectacles probably make no difference to eye strain, visual performance or sleep quality

    Blue-light filtering spectacles probably make no difference to eye strain, visual performance or sleep quality

    Spectacles that are marketed to filter out blue light probably make no difference to eye strain caused by computer use or to sleep quality, according to the best available evidence so far.

    Hashtag: Research news

  8. Bayes experts to speak at CogX Festival

    Bayes experts to speak at CogX Festival

    Join us at CogX and hear from Bayes experts at the world's biggest festival of inspiration, impact and transformational change

    Hashtag: Announcements

  9. Bayes PhD fellow wins Academy of Management award

    Bayes PhD fellow wins Academy of Management award

    Sukrit Vinayavekhin received the Best Student Paper Award at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. City ranked in the top 10 across a number of subject areas in the National Student Survey 2023

    City ranked in the top 10 across a number of subject areas in the National Student Survey 2023

    We recieved excellent feedback for our subjects including Engineering, Health and English.