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  1. Kylian Mbappé has trademarked his iconic goal celebration – why a pose can form part of a player’s protected brand

    Kylian Mbappé has trademarked his iconic goal celebration – why a pose can form part of a player’s protected brand

    Dr Enrico Bonadio, Reader in Intellectual Property Law, The City Law School, co-authors article in The Conversation.

  2. Bridging academia and employment: student Leo Salem wins the Saddlers’ Award

    Bridging academia and employment: student Leo Salem wins the Saddlers’ Award

    Undergraduate student wins top prize for his poster at City’s Entrepreneurship and Employability Forum

    Hashtags: Campus life, Student success

  3. Companies reluctant to pay extra to confirm suppliers’ sustainability claims

    Paper raises questions about possible virtue signalling and greenwashing by companies who do not want to fund third party verification or blockchains'

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  4. Rt. Hon. Rachel Reeves MP delivers the 2024 Mais Lecture at Bayes Business School

    Rt. Hon. Rachel Reeves MP delivers the 2024 Mais Lecture at Bayes Business School

    Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer sets out three pillars of domestic growth to the City’s banking and finance community.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  5. The Civil Partnership Act and the Gender Recognition Act at 20

    The Civil Partnership Act and the Gender Recognition Act at 20

    In February, City celebrated LGBTQ+ History Month and hosted an event to look at the wider legal, historical and social contexts of these family law reforms.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. Radiographer’s AI work wins European research presentation award

    Radiographer’s AI work wins European research presentation award

    Gemma Walsh has been awarded the prestigious Radiographer Research Presentation Abstract Award by the European Congress of Radiology

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. New study suggests that while social media changes over decades, conversation dynamics stay the same

    New study suggests that while social media changes over decades, conversation dynamics stay the same

    First of its kind study has analysed data across multiple social media platforms, over more than three decades, revealing the persistence of toxic interactions irrespective of the platform.

    Hashtag: Research news

  8. TW: Sexual harassment goes unchecked in many sub-Saharan African newsrooms

    TW: Sexual harassment goes unchecked in many sub-Saharan African newsrooms

    Study co-authored by Dr Lindsey Blumell and Dinfin Mulupi finds sexual harassment often goes unchecked in sub-Saharan African newsrooms.

    Hashtag: Research study

  9. Ofcom report cyberbullying among UK children

    Ofcom report cyberbullying among UK children

    Criminologist Dr Carrie-Anne Myers worked with Natcen to produce a report for Ofcom on cyberbullying among children in the UK.

    Hashtags: Research news, Research study

  10. Four receive School of Science & Technology (SST) Dean’s Award Professional Experience (DAPE)

    Four receive School of Science & Technology (SST) Dean’s Award Professional Experience (DAPE)

    Established by the SST’s Corporate Relations & Employability Unit, the Award recognises students who have produced excellent work during their placement year.