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  1. Maths degrees are becoming less accessible – and this is a problem for business, government and innovation

    Maths degrees are becoming less accessible – and this is a problem for business, government and innovation

    Dr Neil Saunders, Senior Lecturer in Mathematics at City, University of London, writes in The Conversation UK.

  2. Award-winning journalist and Chevening Scholar on his time at City

    Award-winning journalist and Chevening Scholar on his time at City

    Samson Folarin, former Features Editor at ‘The Punch’ and Investigative Journalism MA student, was one of many international students recently celebrated by City at the Global Scholars Reception.

  3. Panel explores how women can climb ladder in 'male' industries

    Panel explores how women can climb ladder in 'male' industries

    While many glass ceilings have been broken, women seeking and holding leadership roles inface particular challenges

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. New leadership roles announced for City St George’s, University of London

    New leadership roles announced for City St George’s, University of London

    City St George's, University of London seeks to appoint Chair of Council and Executive Dean, School of Health and Medical Sciences.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  5. New lending for commercial real estate fell last year to lowest level in a decade

    New lending for commercial real estate fell last year to lowest level in a decade

    Bayes bi-annual real estate report shows significant year-on-year decline in new lending

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  6. Social fashion app founder among City alumni finalists at The India UK Achievers Honours

    Social fashion app founder among City alumni finalists at The India UK Achievers Honours

    City. University of London sponsored the event, which celebrates the professional and social contributions of Indians who have studied in the UK.

  7. Community gardening project blooms in Northampton Square Gardens

    Community gardening project blooms in Northampton Square Gardens

    Led by Islington Council’s Parks Team, staff and students of City, University of London donned their gardening gloves last week to spruce up Northampton Square Gardens.

  8. Young entrepreneurs win big at CitySpark 2024

    Young entrepreneurs win big at CitySpark 2024

    City students and alumni pitch business ideas in annual CitySpark competition hosted by CityVentures.

    Hashtags: Campus life, Student success

  9. “Be clear on your purpose”: Ros Atkins, Esme Wren, Michael Gove MP and Jeremy Corbyn MP speak on Political Headlines module

    “Be clear on your purpose”: Ros Atkins, Esme Wren, Michael Gove MP and Jeremy Corbyn MP speak on Political Headlines module

    MA Journalism students hear from heavyweight politicians and journalists on campus at City and at Westminster.

    Hashtags: Campus life, Student success

  10. Remembering the 1943 Bengal Famine: public historian Dr Diya Gupta uses art, poetry and storytelling to reimagine history

    Remembering the 1943 Bengal Famine: public historian Dr Diya Gupta uses art, poetry and storytelling to reimagine history

    Public historian Dr Diya Gupta sets up the art exhibition “Hunger Burns”, contributes to the BBC podcast “Three Million” and the upcoming National Geographic docu-series “Erased: WW2’s Heroes of Color

    Hashtags: City Global Goals, Research news