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  1. Halting production of Bentley’s iconic W12 engine makes the luxury manufacturer ‘less remarkable’

    Halting production of Bentley’s iconic W12 engine makes the luxury manufacturer ‘less remarkable’

    Bayes Business School expert in Operations says the move is one taken by the Audi group.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  2. While improvement is positive, female entrepreneurs need their hands on the purse strings and a seat at the table to truly celebrate progress

    While improvement is positive, female entrepreneurs need their hands on the purse strings and a seat at the table to truly celebrate progress

    Bayes' female academics respond to the Rose Review, and analyse what needs to be done to give women entrepreneurs the same opportunities as men.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  3. M&A electives on the rise among Bayes students as global events spark interest in deals

    Electives to study mergers and acquisitions at Bayes are proving to be the most popular across different levels of study.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  4. Who will win the race to buy Manchester United?

    Who will win the race to buy Manchester United?

    Mergers and Acquisitions expert comments on latest developments from the prospective sale of the Premier League football club.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  5. Place-based investment will support left-behind towns, but only a targeted approach can truly resolve people’s struggles

    Place-based investment will support left-behind towns, but only a targeted approach can truly resolve people’s struggles

    Bayes Business School Professor of Strategy says research shows that fostering an understanding of towns can be key in supporting them effectively.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  6. Save the date: How to impress that special someone on Valentine’s Day

    Save the date: How to impress that special someone on Valentine’s Day

    Bayes marketing expert lists five top tips for daters.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  7. Increasing cyber and ethical risks to safety means care homes need for insurance protection is greater than ever

    Increasing cyber and ethical risks to safety means care homes need for insurance protection is greater than ever

    A new white paper says safeguarding actions are needed to combat evolving risk landscape and fears over residents' safety.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  8. Bayes MSc student puts learning into practice with solo publication in leading journal

    Bayes MSc student puts learning into practice with solo publication in leading journal

    Andrew Mackenzie's study on how breaking vessel emission rules could impact marine insurance cover is breaking new water in the industry.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  9. Insurers and regulators must stamp out discrimination in insurance pricing to ensure fairness for consumers, says new study

    Insurers and regulators must stamp out discrimination in insurance pricing to ensure fairness for consumers, says new study

    Bayes Business School co-authored research says policies can be changed to avoid unfair treatment of customers.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  10. Outlook for M&A 2023: Experts warn of tougher times ahead

    Outlook for M&A 2023: Experts warn of tougher times ahead

    Annual mergers and acquisitions event discusses market trends for 2023.

    Hashtag: Expert comment