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  1. How coronavirus is threatening the equal access principle at the core of the NHS

    The City Law School’s Dr Sabrina Germain says the NHS will require more than just a round of applause and good will.

    Hashtag: Coronavirus

  2. Chinese legal reform

    Chinese law reform - News.

  3. Building trust in the cloud

    New research from City has proposed a mechanism for calculating the reputation of cloud service providers.

  4. The Furlough scheme: a guide for workers and employees

    Senior Lecturer and Barrister in The City Law School, Snigdha Nag, breaks down the details of the COVID-19 Job Retention Scheme.

  5. Food Matters

    Researchers at City University London have been responsible for bringing challenging food issues to the top of the political agenda.

  6. Context matters

    A new method which measures the impact of mediated political events on social opinion and attitudes is helping policy makers throughout Europe make more informed decisions.

  7. Design for engine reliability

    One of the world's largest manufacturers of aircraft engines has received a boost to its business performance and the confidence of its engines.

  8. De-risking pensions and annuities

    A financial market that helps shift risk from pension plans and annuity providers to the capital markets has been invented by an academic from City University London.

  9. Deviations in segmented cladding fibre

    Research by Professor Aziz Rahman and Dr Arti Agrawal of City's Photonics Modelling Group in School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences.

  10. Expansion in sources for shipping finance

    With 30 years of ground-breaking research, City University academics have revolutionised the way the shipping industry funds itself, and cemented London's position as a global hub.