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  1. Bayes ranks 22nd globally and top 20 in Europe in Financial Times MSc in Finance Ranking 2023

    Bayes ranks 22nd globally and top 20 in Europe in Financial Times MSc in Finance Ranking 2023

    Business School maintains 5th in the UK position for MSc in Finance programme

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. Exploring the pros and cons of index funds and ETFs

    Exploring the pros and cons of index funds and ETFs

    Professor Martin Schmalz discusses whether index funds benefit society at the annual Henry Thornton Lecture.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  3. Bayes courses rank highly in the Complete University Guide 2024

    Bayes courses rank highly in the Complete University Guide 2024

    Latest ranking places Marketing undergraduate course 2nd, Business Finance 13th nationally.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. EBRD President delivers Mais Lecture on greening the global economy

    EBRD President delivers Mais Lecture on greening the global economy

    Odile Renaud-Basso discusses climate and nature crises at London’s Bayes Business School.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  5. My career wouldn’t exist without volunteers, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson tells Bayes audience

    My career wouldn’t exist without volunteers, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson tells Bayes audience

    Paralympic icon delivers Bayes Charity Talk on the power of sport and volunteering

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  6. Audience quenches thirst for knowledge at the Pint of Science festival

    Audience quenches thirst for knowledge at the Pint of Science festival

    Six Bayes researchers present their findings at nearby Artillery Arms pub for the Pint of Science festival

    Hashtags: Expert comment, research spotlight

  7. Visit it virtually: student Alexis Murat wins ‘Pitch it easy’ business competition

    Visit it virtually: student Alexis Murat wins ‘Pitch it easy’ business competition

    Alexis Murat, MSc Corporate Finance student, wins entrepreneurship competition with virtual tour agency

    Hashtag: Graduate success

  8. Living in an almshouse boosts life expectancy, study finds

    Living in an almshouse boosts life expectancy, study finds

    Living in an almshouse can boost the longevity of its residents by as much as two-and-a-half years compared to their counterparts in the general population, according to a new Bayes Business School report

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  9. One in six properties in England will be affected by flood risk by 2050, study suggests

    One in six properties in England will be affected by flood risk by 2050, study suggests

    Bayes Business School’s Real Estate Centre releases first report into how climate risk is affecting residential property in England

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  10. Women’s health: how fertility, menstruation and menopause affect women’s career decisions

    Women’s health: how fertility, menstruation and menopause affect women’s career decisions

    The Bayes Global Women’s Leadership Programme welcomes three speakers to discuss the impact of women’s health on their careers.