If you are a student from the United States of America and are applying to study at City St George's, key information about the availability and conditions of US student loans can be crucial to supporting your studies.
City St George's, University of London participates in the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program (Direct Loans) which can provide funding to cover your tuition fees and living expenses, subject to approval by City St George's.
Funds are available through Direct subsidised (undergraduates only), unsubsidised and plus loans.
Further general information is available on the Federal Student Aid website, including details of interest rates and terms.
US Federal Loans
Not all courses are eligible for US Federal Aid loans. Non-degree programmes, distance learning programmes, programmes which are less than 50% of the full-time equivalent, programmes offered at non-City St George'ssites and courses based in the City St George's Division of Nursing.
Find out more information on how to apply for US Federal Loans St George's
US Loan Cost of Attendance Calculator 2024-25
Sallie Mae Student Loans
Full-time postgraduate can apply for up to 52 weeks, full time undergraduate can apply for up to 39 weeks. Part-time students can apply for 50% of these costs. Loans will be disbursed in three equal disbursements - September, January and May.
Find out more information on how to apply for Sallie Mae Loans
Further information
US federal law stipulates that if a student withdraws from their programme of study, City St George's must complete a Return to Title IV (R2T4) calculation and ensure any ‘unearned’ US student loan (USL) funds are returned to the US Department of Education (USDOE).
For further information read about the leave of absence and refund policy.
U.S. Federal regulations require that a student must be enrolled and making satisfactory academic progress (SAP) in order to be eligible to receive Title IV Federal Loans. Find out more about Satisfactory Academic Progress policy.
Institutional Codes for City
- Federal School Code: G08693
- OPE ID (Office of Post-secondary Education identifier): 008693 (00)