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Matching courses (showing 110 of 11 courses)

  1. Behavioural Economics MSc

    Postgraduate taught degree

    Learn how the field of behavioural economics applies psychological insights into human behaviour to explain how real people make economic decisions.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences | School of Policy and Global Affairs

    Award: Master of Science

    Course code: PSBEEC

  2. Clinical, Social and Cognitive Neuroscience MSc

    Postgraduate taught degree

    Learn how brain functions contribute to cognition, mediate social interaction, and influence mental health with our Clinical, Social and Cognitive Neuroscience MSc.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Award: Master of Science

    Course code: PSCSCN

  3. Criminology and Criminal Justice MSc

    Postgraduate taught degree

    Find out what makes crime captivating and pursue specialist learning to advance your career in the field of criminology and criminal justice.

    School: School of Policy & Global Affairs

    Award: Master of Science

    Course code: PSCRIM

  4. Data, Policy and Society MSc

    Postgraduate taught degree

    Become a new kind of professional trained in the technicalities of data-centric systems and skilled in the application of effective policy-focused social research.

    School: School of Policy & Global Affairs

    Award: Master of Science

    Course code: -

  5. MSc/PgCert Clinical Neuroscience Practice

    Postgraduate taught degree

    Tooting campus. Discover how theory applies to practice and shape the future of neuroscience healthcare delivery to improve patient care.

    Tooting Campus

    Award: Master of Science, Postgraduate Certificate

    Duration: 1 year full-time; 2 years part-time

  6. Organisational Psychology MSc

    Postgraduate taught degree

    Explore human behaviour in the workplace and learn how to improve working lives with our BPS accredited Organisational Psychology MSc.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Award: Master of Science

    Course code: PSOPSY

  7. Postgraduate Certificate in Counselling Psychology PGCert

    Postgraduate taught degree

    Gain expert insights into the therapeutic experience and build a foundation to progress to further study with our Postgraduate Certificate in Counselling Psychology.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Award: Postgraduate Certificate

    Course code: PSCGPY

  8. Professional Doctorate in Counselling Psychology DPsych

    Postgraduate taught degree

    Receive doctoral level training in clinical practice and professional research with our Professional Doctorate in Counselling Psychology, enabling you to become a practitioner psychologist.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Award: Doctor of Psychology

    Course code: DSDCPS

  9. Psychological Therapies with Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner MSc

    Postgraduate taught degree

    Become a Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner ready for employment in the NHS and develop an excellent foundation in research methods and the field of mental health.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Award: Master of Science

    Course code: PYPPTP

  10. Psychology (Conversion) MSc

    Postgraduate taught degree

    Our MSc Psychology programme provides a fast-track conversion route for those who hold a degree outside of psychology or lack accreditation from the British Psychological Society.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Award: Master of Science

    Course code: PYPPCV