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  1. Research Projects
Software Reliability


(Predictably Dependable Computer Systems).

Duration: PDCS 1989-1991; PDCS2 Aug 1992-Oct 1995
Funding source: PDCS ESPRIT Basic Research Action projects. PDCS2 CEC ESPRIT 2 under Basic Research Action Programme.

Partners - PDCS: University of Newcastle (U.K.); University of York (U.K.); LAAS-CNRS (France), Toulouse; IEI-CNR (Italy); Technische Universitat Wien (Austria); Chalmers University (Sweden)

Partners - PDCS 2 IEI-CNR (Italy), Universitat Karlsruhe (Germany), LAAS-CNRS (France), Newcastle University (U.K.), Universite Paris-Sud (France), Technische Universitat Wien (Austria), University of York (U.K.).

Funding to CSR: PDCS2: 378 kECU (total project value 1.9 mECU); PDCS: 290 kECU (total project value 1.7 mECU)
Contact:   Prof Bev Littlewood

Synopsis: The PDCS2 project, as its acronym implies, aimed to continue the work of ESPRIT Basic Research Action 3092 (Predictably Dependable Computing Systems) on the problems of making the process of designing and constructing adequately dependable computing systems much more predictable and cost-effective. In particular it addressed the problems of producing dependable distributed real-time systems, and especially those where the planned programme of research concerned various topics in fault prevention, fault tolerance, fault removal and fault forecasting.