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  1. Research Projects
Software Reliability


Software Reliability Modelling Study

Funding source: Alvey Commission

Project Code: ALV/PRJ/SE/045

Funding: £24,000

Duration: 3 years (1st Feb. 1985 to 31st Jan. 1988)

Principle Investigator: Peter Mellor

Contact:Peter Mellor(p.mellor@csr.city.ac.uk)

Synopsis: The objectives of the project were to investigate and improve software reliability models capable of handling "failure count" data, the assessment of their predictive accuracy, and the investigation of their behaviour in long-term prediction.

In pursuit of these objectives, prototype software packages were developed to analyse data sets of the "failure count" variety using software reliability growth models, to generate simulated data sets, and to instrument code in order to analyse software execution profiles and perform "recapture debugging" experiments.

The scope of the project was widened to include the definition of procedures, standards and tools for software reliability data collection (in particulr the definition of a database structure for the storage and extraction of such data), a state-of-the-art survey of methods of software reliability achievement and assessment, surveys of existing standards in the field, and the definitions of terms.

Ten papers and reports were produced, and the results of the project were fed into subsequent projects such as the Alvey Software Reliability Modelling Project ALV/PRJ/SE/072, the ESPRIT-I projects TRUST and REQUEST, and the ESPRIT-II project SCOPE and its supporting projects.

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version 2.1 Published: 25th Jun 2004