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Software Reliability


Littlewood, B, "Comments on 'Reliability and performance analysis for fault-tolerant programs consisting of versions with different characteristics,' by Gregory Levitin [Reliability Engineering and System Safety 86 (", Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 91, 1, pp119-120, 2006. [abstract]

J. Bryans, B. Littlewood, P. Ryan and L. Strigini, "E-voting: Dependability Requirements and Design for Dependability", Workshop on Dependability and Security in e-Government (DeSeGov 2006), at First International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES 2006, pp. 988-995, IEEE Computer Society Press, Vienna, Austria, 2006. [abstract]

Stankovic, V., Popov, P., "Improving DBMS Performance through Diverse Redundancy", Proc. 25th IEEE Symp. on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS'06), 2-4 October 2006, pp. 391-400, IEEE Computer Society, Leeds, UK, 2006. [abstract]

Gashi, I., Popov, P., "Rephrasing Rules for Off-The-Shelf SQL Database Servers", Proc. 6th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC-6), 18-20 October, Coimbra, Portugal, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 139-148, 2006. [abstract]