Centre for Software Reliability
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Software Reliability


Di Giandomenico F, Strigini L, "Adjudicators for diverse redundant components", Proc. IEEE 9th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, pp. 114-123, Huntsville, Alabama, 1990.

Bishop, P.G., "Dependability of Critical Computer Applications - 3: Techniques Directory", ISBN 1-85166-544-7, (Bishop P.G., Eds.), Elsevier Applied Science, 1990.

Bondavalli A, Conti M, Gregori E, Lenzini L, Strigini L, "MAC Protocols for high speed MANs: Performance Comparisons for a Family of Fasnet-based Protocols", Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, vol. 18 (2), pp. 97-113, London, 1990.

Neil, M.D., Slater, D. and Cole, R.J., "Measures for Maintenance Management: A Case Study", Journal for Software Maintenance, vol. 2(4), pp. 223-240, London, 1990.

Littlewood B, Brocklehurst S, Chan P Y , Snell J, "Recalibrating software reliability models", IEEE Trans Software Engineering, vol. 16(4), pp. 458-470, 1990.

Jones. K, "Specification of a Dataflow Architecture", Cliff B. Jones and Roger C. F. Shaw. Case studies in systematic software development. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA, 1990.

Bache, R.M. and Neil M., "Validating Technologies for Certifying Software Products", IFIP Conference (ASP 90), North- Holland, 1990.