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Biomedical Engineering

Profile page of Mr Simon Villa Arango

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Main Project(s)

Application of phononic crystals as liquid sensors.


Simon is an external PhD research student in the Biomedical Engineering Research Centre at City University London. He graduated from EIA University and CES University (Colombia) in Biomedical Engineering (BEng Hons) in 2014. He received a laureate award, highest honour given for outstanding research work awarded by EIA University and CES University, for his bachelor thesis Project on phononic crystals. His main research interest is on the development of healthcare technologies based on phononic crystals and resonant structures. He has worked as a research assistant since 2014 in the Biomedical Engineering research group (GIBEC - COLOMBIA) and as a visiting lecturer since 2016 on the course “Engineering Projects III” and “Engineering Projects IV” at EIA University. His current research project at City University London deals with the development of a novel sensor platform for point of care testing based on phononic crystals and resonant structures.