- Devane, N., Buxton, S., Fox, C., Marshall, J., Staunton, D., Whiddett, J. … Hilari, K. (2024). What Conversation Topics are Meaningful to People with Aphasia? A qualitative study. Aphasiology, 38(9), pp. 1550–1567. doi:10.1080/02687038.2024.2319364.
- Devane, N., Botting, N., Cruice, M., Roper, A., Szafir, D., Wood, J. … Wilson, S. (2024). Data visualization and decision making in adults with acquired and developmental language disabilities: A scoping review. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders. doi:10.1111/1460-6984.13105.
- Marshall, J., Devane, N., Berraondo, J., Talbot, R., Temponera, P., Clegg, K. … Wilson, S. (2024). Delivering Script Therapy for people with aphasia in EVA Park: Two single case treatment studies. Advances in Communication and Swallowing, 27(1), pp. 29–40. doi:10.3233/acs-220014.
- Brown, J., Cox, L., Mulligan, K., Wilson, S., Heys, M., Livermore, P. … Bogosian, A. (2024). Gaining consensus on emotional wellbeing themes and preferences for digital intervention type and content to support the mental health of young people with long‐term health conditions: A Delphi study. Health Expectations, 27(2). doi:10.1111/hex.14025.
- Roper, A., Barnard, R., Cruice, M., Marshall, J., Mulholland, A., Neate, T. … Wilson, S. (2024). “Difficult but Good”: enjoying accessible digital creativity. Aphasiology, 38(1), pp. 92–122. doi:10.1080/02687038.2022.2160624.
- O'Brien, L. and Wilson, S. (2024). Response to Commentary on "Talking About Thinking Aloud". JOURNAL OF USABILITY STUDIES, 19(2), pp. 109–114.
- Devane, N., Behn, N., Marshall, J., Ramachandran, A., Wilson, S. and Hilari, K. (2023). The use of virtual reality in the rehabilitation of aphasia: a systematic review. Disability and Rehabilitation, 45(23), pp. 3803–3822. doi:10.1080/09638288.2022.2138573.
- Willis, T.A., Wright-Hughes, A., Skinner, C., Farrin, A.J., Hartley, S., Walwyn, R. … Foy, R. (2023). The detection and management of attempted fraud during an online randomised trial. Trials, 24(1). doi:10.1186/s13063-023-07517-4.
- Llahana, S., Mulligan, K., Hirani, S.P., Wilson, S., Baldeweg, S.E., Grossman, A. … Newman, S. (2023). Using the behaviour change wheel and person-based approach to develop a digital self-management intervention for patients with adrenal insufficiency: the Support AI study protocol. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 14. doi:10.3389/fendo.2023.1207715.
- O'Brien, L. and Wilson, S. (2023). Talking About Thinking Aloud: Perspectives from Interactive Think-Aloud Practitioners. Journal of User Experience, 18(3), pp. 113–132.
- Caute, A., Cruice, M., Devane, N., Patel, A., Roper, A., Talbot, R. … Marshall, J. (2022). Delivering group support for people with aphasia in a virtual world: experiences of service providers. Disability and Rehabilitation, 44(26), pp. 8264–8282. doi:10.1080/09638288.2021.2011436.
- Willis, T.A., Wright-Hughes, A., Weller, A., Alderson, S.L., Wilson, S., Walwyn, R. … Foy, R. (2022). Interventions to optimise the outputs of national clinical audits to improve the quality of health care: a multi-method study including RCT. Health and Social Care Delivery Research, 10(15), pp. 1–284. doi:10.3310/qbbz1124.
- Wright-Hughes, A., Willis, T.A., Wilson, S., Weller, A., Lorencatto, F., Althaf, M. … Foy, R. (2022). A randomised fractional factorial screening experiment to predict effective features of audit and feedback. Implementation Science, 17(1). doi:10.1186/s13012-022-01208-5.
- Tamburro, C., Neate, T., Roper, A. and Wilson, S. (2022). Comic Spin: A Comic Creation Tool Enabling Self-Expression for People with Aphasia. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing. doi:10.1145/3508500.
- Cruice, M., Woolf, C., Caute, A., Monnelly, K., Wilson, S. and Marshall, J. (2021). Preliminary outcomes from a pilot study of personalised online supported conversation for participation intervention for people with Aphasia. Aphasiology, 35(10), pp. 1293–1317. doi:10.1080/02687038.2020.1795076.
- Marshall, J., Devane, N., Talbot, R., Caute, A., Cruice, M., Hilari, K. … Wilson, S. (2020). A randomised trial of social support group intervention for people with aphasia: A Novel application of virtual reality. PLOS ONE, 15(9). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0239715.
- Caute, A., Woolf, C., Wilson, S., Stokes, C., Monnelly, K., Cruice, M. … Marshall, J. (2019). Technology-Enhanced Reading Therapy for People With Aphasia: Findings From a Quasirandomized Waitlist Controlled Study. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 62(12), pp. 4382–4416. doi:10.1044/2019_jslhr-l-18-0484.
- Caute, A., Cruice, M., Marshall, J., Monnelly, K., Stokes, C., Wilson, S. … Rossiter, C. (2019). Integrate CommuniCATE. RCSLT Bulletin, (April 2019), pp. 20–21.
- Marshall, J., Caute, A., Chadd, K., Cruice, M., Monnelly, K., Wilson, S. … Woolf, C. (2019). Technology‐enhanced writing therapy for people with aphasia: results of a quasi‐randomized waitlist controlled study. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 54(2), pp. 203–220. doi:10.1111/1460-6984.12391.
- Marshall, J., Devane, N., Edmonds, L., Talbot, R., Wilson, S., Woolf, C. … Zwart, N. (2018). Delivering word retrieval therapies for people with aphasia in a virtual communication environment. Aphasiology, 32(9), pp. 1054–1074. doi:10.1080/02687038.2018.1488237.
- Roper, A., Grellmann, B., Neate, T., Marshall, J. and Wilson, S. (2018). Social networking sites: barriers and facilitators to access for people with aphasia. Aphasiology, 32(sup1), pp. 176–177. doi:10.1080/02687038.2018.1486387.
- Amaya, A., Woolf, C., Devane, N., Galliers, J., Talbot, R., Wilson, S. … Marshall, J. (2018). Receiving aphasia intervention in a virtual environment: the participants’ perspective. Aphasiology, 32(5), pp. 538–558. doi:10.1080/02687038.2018.1431831.
- Bussone, A., Stumpf, S. and Wilson, S. (2017). The use of online forums by people living with HIV for help in understanding personal health information. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 108, pp. 64–70. doi:10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2017.10.001.
- Galliers, J., Wilson, S., Marshall, J., Talbot, R., Devane, N., Booth, T. … Greenwood, H. (2017). Experiencing EVA Park, a Multi-User Virtual World for People with Aphasia. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing, 10(4), pp. 1–24. doi:10.1145/3134227.
- Roper, A., Marshall, J. and Wilson, S. (2016). Benefits and Limitations of Computer Gesture Therapy for the Rehabilitation of Severe Aphasia. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2016.00595.
- Marshall, J., Booth, T., Devane, N., Galliers, J., Greenwood, H., Hilari, K. … Woolf, C. (2016). Evaluating the Benefits of Aphasia Intervention Delivered in Virtual Reality: Results of a Quasi-Randomised Study. PLOS ONE, 11(8). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0160381.
- Woolf, C., Caute, A., Haigh, Z., Galliers, J., Wilson, S., Kessie, A. … Marshall, J. (2015). A comparison of remote therapy, face to face therapy and an attention control intervention for people with aphasia: A quasi-randomised controlled feasibility study. Clinical Rehabilitation, 30(4), pp. 359–373. doi:10.1177/0269215515582074.
- Wilson, S., Roper, A., Marshall, J., Galliers, J., Devane, N., Booth, T. … Woolf, C. (2015). Codesign for people with aphasia through tangible design languages. CoDesign, 11(1), pp. 21–34. doi:10.1080/15710882.2014.997744.
- Marshall, J., Roper, A., Galliers, J., Wilson, S., Cocks, N., Muscroft, S. … Pring, T. (2013). Computer delivery of gesture therapy for people with severe aphasia. Aphasiology, 27(9), pp. 1128–1146. doi:10.1080/02687038.2013.786803.
- Markova, M.S., Wilson, S. and Stumpf, S. (2012). Tangible user interfaces for learning. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 4(3-4), pp. 139–155. doi:10.1504/IJTEL.2012.051578.
- Randell, R., Wilson, S. and Woodward, P. (2011). The importance of the verbal shift handover report: A multi-site case study. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 80(11), pp. 803–812. doi:10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2011.08.006.
- Ang, C.S., Zaphiris, P. and Wilson, S. (2011). A case study analysis of a constructionist knowledge building community with activity theory. BEHAV INFORM TECHNOL, 30(5), pp. 537–554. doi:10.1080/0144929X.2010.490921.
- Randell, R., Wilson, S., Woodward, P. and Galliers, J. (2011). The ConStratO model of handover: a tool to support technology design and evaluation. BEHAV INFORM TECHNOL, 30(4), pp. 489–498. doi:10.1080/0144929X.2010.547220.
- Galliers, J., Wilson, S., Randell, R. and Woodward, P. (2011). Safe use of symbols in handover documentation for medical teams. BEHAV INFORM TECHNOL, 30(4), pp. 499–506. doi:10.1080/0144929X.2011.582147.
- Randell, R., Wilson, S. and Woodward, P. (2011). Variations and commonalities in processes of collaboration: The need for multi-site workplace studies. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 20(1-2), pp. 37–59. doi:10.1007/s10606-010-9127-6.
- Lichtner, V., Galliers, J.R. and Wilson, S. (2010). A pragmatics' view of patient identification. Qual Saf Health Care, 19 Suppl 3. doi:10.1136/qshc.2009.036400.
- Ang, C.S., Zaphiris, P. and Wilson, S. (2010). Computer games and sociocultural play: An Activity Theoretical Perspective. Games and Culture, 5(4), pp. 354–380. doi:10.1177/1555412009360411.
- Randell, R., Wilson, S., Woodward, P. and Galliers, J. (2010). Beyond handover: Supporting awareness for continuous coverage. Cognition, Technology and Work, 12(4), pp. 271–283. doi:10.1007/s10111-010-0138-3.
- Randell, R., Wilson, S. and Fitzpatrick, G. (2010). Editorial - evaluating new interactions in health care: Challenges and approaches. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 26(5), pp. 407–413. doi:10.1080/10447311003719847.
- Pfeil, U., Zaphiris, P. and Wilson, S. (2010). The role of message-sequences in the sustainability of an online support community for older people. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 15(2), pp. 336–363. doi:10.1111/j.1083-6101.2010.01523.x.
- Devers, D. and Wilson, S. (2009). Let me entertain you: Designing for surveillance and online gaming. Breaking New Ground: Innovation in Games, Play, Practice and Theory - Proceedings of DiGRA 2009.
- Randell, R., Mamykina, L., Fitzpatrick, G., Tang, C. and Wilson, S. (2009). Evaluating new interactions in healthcare: Challenges and approaches. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings pp. 4771–4774. doi:10.1145/1520340.1520737.
- Pfeil, U., Zaphiris, P. and Wilson, S. (2009). Older adults' perceptions and experiences of online social support. Interacting with Computers, 21(3), pp. 159–172. doi:10.1016/j.intcom.2008.12.001.
- Lichtner, V., Wilson, S. and Galliers, J.R. (2008). The challenging nature of patient identifiers: an ethnographic study of patient identification at a London walk-in centre. Health Informatics J, 14(2), pp. 141–150. doi:10.1177/1081180X08089321.
- Wears, R.L., Perry, S.J., Wilson, S., Galliers, J. and Fone, J. (2007). Emergency department status boards: User-evolved artefacts for inter- and intra-group coordination. Cognition, Technology and Work, 9(3), pp. 163–170. doi:10.1007/s10111-006-0055-7.
- Wilson, S.M., Galliers, J. and Fone, J. (2007). Cognitive Artifacts in Support of Medical Shift Handover: An In Use, In Situ Evaluation. Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interaction, 22, pp. 59–80.
- Galliers, J., Wilson, S. and Fone, J. (2007). A method for determining information flow breakdown in clinical systems. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 76(SUPPL. 1). doi:10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2006.05.015.
- Wilson, S., Galliers, J. and Fone, J. (2007). Cognitive Artifacts in Support of Medical Shift Handover: An In Use, In Situ Evaluation. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 22(1-2), pp. 59–80. doi:10.1207/s15327590ijhc2201-02_4.
- Fuhrmann, S., Ahonen-Rainio, P., Edsall, R.M., Fabrikant, S.I., Koua, E.L., Tobón, C. … Wilson, S. (2005). Making Useful and Useable Geovisualization: Design and Evaluation Issues. pp. 551–566. doi:10.1016/B978-008044531-1/50446-2.
- Zaphiris, P., Gill, K., Ma, T.H.Y., Wilson, S. and Petrie, H. (2004). Exploring the use of information visualization for digital libraries. New Review of Information Networking, 10(1), pp. 51–69. doi:10.1080/1361457042000304136.
- Armitage, U., Wilson, S.M. and Sharp, H. (2004). Navigation and Ownership for Learning in Electronic Texts: An Experimental Study. Electronic Journal of eLearning (EJEL), 2(1), pp. 19–30.
- Armitage, U., Wilson, S. and Sharp, H. (2004). Can Creating Navigation Aids Benefit Learning with Electronic Texts? International Journal of Interactive Technology and Smart Education (ITSE), 1(2).
- Markopoulos, P., Wilson, S.M. and Johnson, P. (1994). Representation and Use of Task Knowledge in a User Interface Design Environment. Computers and Digital Techniques, IEE Proceedings, 141(2), pp. 79–84.
Contact details
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London EC1V 0HB
United Kingdom
Stephanie is Professor of Human-Computer Interaction and Co-Director of the Centre for HCI Design (HCID), a specialist research centre in the Department of Computer Science at City. Stephanie's research is rooted in a deep commitment to designing for better futures and this is reflected in the ethos of HCID. Her research focuses on inclusive interaction design and data visualization, co-design and innovative digital technologies for healthcare.
Stephanie is principal investigator for the recently awarded EPSRC project "Inclusive Data Visualisation for Human-Centred Decision-Making". She is a joint investigator leading co-design activities on the team that is a semi-finalist in Longitude Prize on Dementia in collaboration with Memory Lane Games and is leading a new KTP project with KAI Computer Services Ltd. She recently led the INCA project which delivered novel digital content creation and curation tools for people with aphasia and has been principal and co-investigator on the EVA Park projects which are exploring accessible virtual worlds for people with aphasia (see full details on the Research tab).
She has contributed to the successful doctoral programme at City through roles including Chair of the Research Degrees Committee, Assistant Dean for Research Students and Senior Tutor for Research, and has supervised 17 PhD students to successful completion as first or second supervisor. Stephanie established and chaired the Department of Computer Science Research Ethics Committee, has been Joint Programme Director of the MSc in HCI Design and is a member of the newly established Women++ group.
- Alzheimer’s Society and Innovate UK (2023) The Longitude Prize on Dementia, Semi-finalist
City, University of London and Memory Lane Games are semi-finalists with a project that aims to improve quality of life for people living at home with dementia. We will utilise co-design, gamification and AI to deliver an excellent user experience with personalised reminiscence games and to adapt content/challenge for each individual with dementia, along with remote-monitoring to track changes in cognitive performance and potentially changes in health. - ACM SIGCHI (2022) Honorable Mention Award
Neate T, Wilson S, Kladouchou V and Shehzmani S (2022), “Just Not Together”: The Experience of Videoconferencing for People with Aphasia during the Covid-19 Pandemic, Proc ACM CHI 2022, 1–16, Honorable Mention Award, https://doi.org/10.1145/3491102.3502017. - ACM SIGCHI (2020) Honorable Mention Award
Neate T, Roper A, Wilson S, Marshall J and Cruice M, CreaTable Content and Tangible Interaction in Aphasia, Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI 2020, https://doi.org/10.1145/3313831.3376490. - Tech4Good Awards 2019 (2019) Finalist Tech4Good Accessibility Award
INCA project and MakeWrite app shortlisted as finalists in the Tech4Good Accessibility Award. - ACM SIGCHI (2019) Honorable Mention Award
Neate T, Roper, A, Wilson S and Marshall J (2019) Empowering Expression for Users with Aphasia through Constrained Creativity, Proceedings CHI 2019, 4-9th May, Glasgow, UK. https://doi.org/10.1145/3290605.3300615. - ACM SIGCHI (2019) Honorable Mention Award
Neate T, Bourazeria K, Roper A, Stumpf S and Wilson S (2019) Co-Created Personas: Engaging and Empowering Users with Diverse Needs Within the Design Process, Proceedings CHI 2019, Glasgow, UK. https://doi.org/ 10.1145/3290605.3300880. - Nominet Trust 100 (2016) EVA Park included in the Nominet Trust 100
http://www.city.ac.uk/news/2016/december/eva-park-celebrated-as-one-of-the-worlds-100-most-inspiring-examples-of-tech-for-good - AbilityNet (2015) Tech4Good People's Award 2015 for EVA Park
- City University London (2015) University Research Competition
Winner with colleague Jane Marshall of the University Research Competition. - City University London (2014) Made@City
Winner with project team for work on EVA Park, a virtual world for people with aphasia.
2023 - 2026 Inclusive Data Visualisation for Human-Centred Decision-Making. With Jo Wood, Madeline Cruice, Nicola Botting and Abi Roper. Funded by the EPSRC, £609,469.
2023 - 2024 Longitude Prize on Dementia Semi-Finalist. AI-enabled Personalised Digital Reminiscence Platform with In-Home Remote Monitoring. With Memory Lane Games, Chris Child, Tillman Weyde.
2023 - 2025 City, University of London and KAI Computer Services Limited KTP. With Chris Child. John Chang, Shivji Patel. Funded by Innovate UK.
2021 - 2022 INCA Covid Block Extension Grant. With Jane Marshall, Madeline Cruice and Abi Roper. Funded by the EPSRC through City, University of London, £40,000.
2017-2021 INCA: Inclusive Digital Content for People with Aphasia. With Jane Marshall, Madeline Cruice and Abi Roper. Funded by the EPSRC, £496,294.
2019 – 2021 READ-IT: A New Reading Intervention f or People with Aphasia. Sir Halley Stewart Trust, £60,000.
2018 – 2021 Enhancing National Clinical Audit and Feedback (ENACT) With Robbie Foy (PI, University of Leeds) and others. Funded by NIHR, £320,149.
2017-2019 EVA Park Groups. With Jane Marshall, Celia Woolf, Madeline Cruice and Anita Patel (QMUL). Funded by The Stroke Association. £158,111.
2016-2017 Taking EVA Park Into Service: Therapy Case Studies. With Jane Marshall. Funded by The Tavistock Trust for Aphasia.
2016-2017 Taking EVA Park Into Service: Technology Development. With Jane Marshall. Funded by The Tavistock Trust for Aphasia.
2014 - 2017 CommuniCATE: Enhancing communication in aphasia through technology. With Jane Marshall, Madeline Cruice and Celia Woolf. Funded by Barts and the London Charity. £415,785.
2012-2015 Evaluating the Effects of a Virtual Communication Environment for People with Aphasia EVA. With Jane Marshall and Celia Woolf. The Stroke Association. £204,898.
2012-2013 Remote Aphasia Therapy: A Feasibility Study. With Jane Marshall, Celia Woolf and Shashi Hirani. Tavistock Trust for Aphasia and Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust. £53,263.
2012-2013 EASE - Exploring the Accessibility of Second Life for People with Aphasia. With Julia Galliers. City University Pump-Priming. £5,000.
2010-2012 Gesture Recognition in Aphasia Therapy GReAT). With Jane Marshall, Julia Galliers, Tim Pring and Naomi Cocks. Research Councils UK Digital Economy Programme (EPSRC). £297,280.
2011 Pathways to Impact, Funding from EPSRC via City University London. £15,000.
2009 Safer Handover. With Julia Galliers, Rebecca Randell and Peter Woodward. NHS Connecting For Health. £39,000.
2006–2010 Generic Handover Investigation (Ghandi). With Julia Galliers. EPSRC, £495,828.
2008-2009 User Interfaces, Social Software Technologies and Learning Experience - Benefits Realisation (UISSTLE-BR). With Panayiotis Zaphiris. JISC. £14,861.
2008-2009 The Impact of Novel Hardware Solutions on the Interaction Between Clinicians and Patients in Healthcare Consultations. With Rebecca Randell. City University Pump-Priming. £5,000.
2007-2008 User Interfaces, Social Software Technologies and Learning Experience (UISSTLE) With Panayiotis Zaphiris. JISC via the Emerge Community of Practice, £10,572.
2007 Computer-Aided Detection for Full Field Digital Mammography. With CHIME UCL and St George’s NHS Trust. £2,000.
2007 Community of Practice, JISC Users and Innovation: Personalising Technologies programme.. JISC. £5,000.
2003-2004 Information Appliances in Clinical Environments (ACE). With Julia Galliers. ESRC/EPSRC/DTI PACCIT Programme, £50,000.
2003-2004 Information Visualisation Foundation Study.JISC. £44,967.
2002-2003 A Usability Foundation Study and A Usability Evaluation of Existing JISC Services. JISC. £33,483.
Research students
1st supervisor
- Helena Lyhme, Research Student
Valentina Lichtner
Thesis title: Patient identity, identification and technology
Role: 2nd Supervisor
Further information: PhD awarded March 2009
Ulrike Pfeil
Thesis title: Studying Online Support Communities: Investigating Network Patterns and Characteristics of Social Support
Role: 2nd Supervisor
Further information: PhD awarded June 2011
Ursula Armitage
Thesis title: Navigation and Learning in Electronic Texts
Role: 1st Supervisor
Further information: PhD awarded October 2004
Chee Siang (Jim) Ang
Thesis title: Social Interaction of Computer games: an Activity Framework
Role: 2nd Supervisor
Further information: PhD awarded 2007
Maia Dimitrova
Thesis title: An Empirical Investigation Into the Effectiveness of Analytic Usability Evaluation Methods for Instructional Mulitimedia
Role: 1st Supervisor
Further information: PhD Awarded 2003
Dara Sherwani
Thesis title: What Makes Reviews Trustworthy? An Investigation of User Trust in Online Reviews When Making Purchase Decisions
Role: 2nd Supervisor
Further information: PhD Awarded August 2016
Aamna Toor
Thesis title: Enabling Young Individuals to make an Informed Decision about Higher Education: Using Persuasive Technology
Role: 1st Supervisor
Further information: Awarded 2019.
Cher Devey
Thesis title: A Triage Playbook: Privacy Harm and Data Incident Response in the UK.
Role: 1st Supervisor
Further information: Awarded 2019
Adrian Bussone
Thesis title: Reflection and personal health informatics for people living with HIV.
Role: 2nd Supervisor
Further information: Awarded 2018.
Waleed Al Nuwaiser
Thesis title: Exploring the Impact of Icon Similarity on User Performance
Role: 1st Supervisor
Further information: Awarded 2020
Areej Al-Wabil
Thesis title: The effect of dyslexia on web navigation
Role: 2nd Supervisor
Further information: Awarded 2009
Andrew Laghos
Thesis title: Assessing the Evolution of Social Networks in e-Learning
Role: 2nd Supervisor
Further information: Awarded 2007.
Makayla Lewis
Thesis title: Cerebral Palsy, Online Social Networks and Change
Role: 1st Supervisor
Further information: PhD awarded June 2013
Milena S. Markova
Thesis title: Effect of Tangible Objects on Motor Skill Learning
Role: 1st Supervisor
Further information: MPhil Awarded December 2016
Reem Al Ashaikh
Thesis title: Technologies for collaboration in learning
Role: 1st Supervisor
Jacques Chueke
Thesis title: Perceptible Affordances and Feedforward for Gestural Interfaces: Assessing Effectiveness of Gesture Acquisition with Unfamiliar Interactions
Role: 2nd Supervisor
Further information: PhD Awarded September 2016
Abi Roper
Thesis title: Computer Gesture Therapy for Adults with Severe Aphasia
Role: 2nd Supervisor
Further information: Awarded 2017.
Niamh Devane
Thesis title: A feasibility randomised controlled trial of elaborated Semantic Feature Analysis delivered in EVA Park
Role: 2nd Supervisor
Publications by category
Chapters (4)
- Roper, A., Wilson, S., Neate, T. and Marshall, J. (2019). Speech and Language. Web Accessibility A Foundation for Research (pp. 121–134). London, UK: Springer. ISBN 978-1-4471-7439-4.
- Holliday, D., Wilson, S. and Stumpf, S. (2016). User Trust in Intelligent Systems. ACM.
- Ang, C.S., Zaphiris, P. and Wilson, S.M. (2011). An activity theoretical model for social interaction in computer games. In Khine, M.S. (Ed.), PLAYFUL TEACHING, LEARNING GAMES: NEW TOOL FOR DIGITAL CLASSROOMS Sense Publishers. ISBN 978-94-6091-458-4.
- Johnson, P., Johnson, H. and Wilson, S. (1995). Rapid Prototyping of User Interfaces Driven by Task Models. In Carroll, J.M. (Ed.), Scenario-Based Design: Envisioning Work and Technology in System Development (pp. 209–246). John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Conference papers and proceedings (74)
- Knoche, H., Abdul-Rahman, A., Clark, L., Curcin, V., Huo, Z., Iwaya, L.H. … Ziadeh, H. (2023). Identifying Challenges and Opportunities for Intelligent Data-Driven Health Interfaces to Support Ongoing Care. CHI '23: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. doi:10.1145/3544549.3573798
- Neate, T., Maffra, S.A., Frier, W., You, Z. and Wilson, S. (2023). Using Mid-Air Haptics to Guide Mid-Air Interactions. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-42280-5_3
- Neate, T., Kladouchou, V., Wilson, S. and Shams, S. (2022). “Just Not Together”: The Experience of Videoconferencing for People with Aphasia during the Covid-19 Pandemic. CHI '22: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. doi:10.1145/3491102.3502017
- Neate, T., Roper, A., Wilson, S., Marshall, J. and Cruice, M. (2020). CreaTable Content and Tangible Interaction in Aphasia. CHI '20: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. doi:10.1145/3313831.3376490
- Neate, T., Roper, A. and Wilson, S. (2020). Painting a Picture of Accessible Digital Art. ASSETS '20: The 22nd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility. doi:10.1145/3373625.3418019
- Tamburro, C., Neate, T., Roper, A. and Wilson, S. (2020). Accessible Creativity with a Comic Spin. ASSETS '20: The 22nd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility. doi:10.1145/3373625.3417012
- Wilson, C., McNaney, R., Roper, A., Capel, T., Scheepmaker, L., Brereton, M. … Wallace, J. (2020). Rethinking Notions of 'Giving Voice' in Design. CHI '20: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. doi:10.1145/3334480.3375171
- Neate, T., Bourazeri, A., Roper, A., Stumpf, S. and Wilson, S. (2019). Co-Created Personas. CHI '19: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. doi:10.1145/3290605.3300880
- Neate, T., Roper, A., Wilson, S. and Marshall, J. (2019). Empowering Expression for Users with Aphasia through Constrained Creativity. CHI '19: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. doi:10.1145/3290605.3300615
- Bussone, A., Stumpf, S. and Wilson, S. (2019). Designing for reflection on shared HIV health information. CHItaly19: Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter. doi:10.1145/3351995.3352036
- Grellmann, B., Neate, T., Roper, A., Wilson, S. and Marshall, J. (2018). Investigating Mobile Accessibility Guidance for People with Aphasia. ASSETS '18: The 20th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility. doi:10.1145/3234695.3241011
- McNaney, R., Wilson, C., Wallace, J., Brereton, M., Roper, A., Wilson, S. … Sturdee, M. (2018). Giving a voice through design. PDC '18: Participatory Design Conference 2018. doi:10.1145/3210604.3210648
- AlNuwaiser, W., Wilson, S. and Buchanan, G. (2018). Exploring the impact of ambiguous icons in mobile web interfaces.
- Roper, A., Davey, I., Wilson, S., Neate, T., Marshall, J. and Grellmann, B. (2018). Usability Testing - An Aphasia Perspective. ASSETS '18: The 20th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility. doi:10.1145/3234695.3241481
- Al Ashaikh, R., Wilson, S. and Jones, S. (2016). A Persuasive Social Actor for Activity Awareness in Learning Groups. Proceedings of the 30th International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference. doi:10.14236/ewic/hci2016.45
- Roper, A., Marshall, J. and Wilson, S. (2015). Computer Gesture Therapy for People with Severe Aphasia: Effects on tests of spoken naming. British Aphasiology Society 9-11 September, London, UK.
- Roper, A.H., Marshall, J. and Wilson, S. (2015). Computer Gesture Therapy for People with Severe Aphasia: Effects on tests of spoken naming. British Aphasiology Society Conference September, London, UK.
- Roper, A., Marshall, J. and Wilson, S.M. (2014). Assessing technology use in aphasia. the 16th international ACM SIGACCESS conference 20-22 October. doi:10.1145/2661334.2661397
- Roper, A.H., marshall, J. and wilson, S. (2014). Revealing the Effects of Computer Gesture Therapy for Users with Severe
Aphasia. British Aphasiology Society Research Update Meeting April, Exeter, UK. - Ashaikh, R.A., Wilson, S. and Jones, S. (2014). Exploring awareness behaviours and collaboration activities in learning groups.
- Galliers, J. and Wilson, S. (2013). An Exploratory Study into the Accessibility of a Multi-User Virtual World for Young People with Aphasia. Proceedings of 27th International BCS Human-Computer Interaction Conference, HCI 2013 - The Internet of Things 9-13 September, Uxbridge, UK.
- Holliday, D., Wilson, S. and Stumpf, S. (2013). The Effect of Explanations on Perceived Control and Behaviors in Intelligent Systems. CHI2013 Paris, France.
- Galliers, J. and Wilson, S. (2013). An Exploratory Study into the Accessibility of a Multi-User Virtual World for Young People with Aphasia. 27th International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2013). doi:10.14236/ewic/hci2013.35
- Galliers, J., Wilson, S., Roper, A., Cocks, N., Marshall, J. and Pring, T. (2012). Words are not enough: Empowering people with aphasia in the design process. Participatory Design Conference 2012. doi:10.1145/2347635.2347643
- Galliers, J., Wilson, S., Muscroft, S., Marshall, J., Roper, A., Cocks, N. … Pring, T. (2011). Accessibility of 3D Game Environments for People with Aphasia: An Exploratory Study. 13th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility 24-26 October, Dundee, Scotland.
- Randell, R. and Wilson, S. (2010). New hardware platforms for healthcare consultations. Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH) 11 April, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Wilson, S., Woodward, P. and Randell, R. (2010). PaperChain: A Collaborative Healthcare System Grounded in Field Study Work. Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH) 11 April, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Wilson, S., Randell, R., Galliers, J. and Woodward, P. (2009). Reconceptualising Clinical Handover: Information Sharing for Situation Awareness. European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 30 Sep 2009 – 2 Oct 2009, Helsinki, FINLAND.
- Gilardi, S., Guglielmetti, C., Perry, S.J., Pravettoni, G., Wilson, S. and Wears, R.L. (2009). People, Technology, and Complex Work in Health Care. Naturalistic Decision Making (NDM 2009) 23-26 June, London.
- Al-Wabil, A., Zaphiris, P. and Wilson, S. (2008). Examining visual attention of dyslexics on web navigation structures with eye tracking. International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology 16-18 December, Al Ain, U ARAB EMIRATES.
- Lichtner, V., Galliers, J. and Wilson, S. (2008). The pragmatics of patient identification. Healthcare Systems, Ergonomics and Patient Safety (HEPS 2008) 25-27 June, Strasbourg.
- Randell, R., Woodward, P., Wilson, S. and Galliers, J. (2008). Public yet private: the status, durability and visibility of handover sheets. 21st IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems 17-19 June, Jyvaskyla, FINLAND.
- Al-Wabil, A., Zaphiris, P. and Wilson, S. (2008). Examining visual attention of dyslexics on web navigation structures with eye tracking. doi:10.1109/INNOVATIONS.2008.4781673
- Ehmke, C. and Wilson, S. (2007). Identifying Web Usability Problems from Eyetracking Data. British HCI conference 2007 3-7 September, University of Lancaster.
- Ang, C.S., Zaphiris, P. and Wilson, S. (2007). The social aspect of computer games: an activity theoretical model. 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International 2007) 22-27 July, Beijing.
- Al-Wabil, A., Zaphiris, P. and Wilson, S. (2007). Web navigation for individuals with dyslexia: An exploratory study. 4th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction held at the HCI International 2007 22-27 July, Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA.
- Wilson, S., Galliers, J. and Fone, J. (2006). Not All Sharing Is Equal: The Impact of a Large Display on Small Group Collaborative Work. Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2006) 20th Anniversary 4-8 November, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
- Al-Wabil, A., Zaphiris, P. and Wilson, S. (2006). Web design for dyslexics: Accessibility of Arabic content. 10th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs 11-13 July, Linz, AUSTRIA.
- Wilson, S., Wilkinson, L.S. and Taylor, P. (2006). Barcode data entry for film reading: Information loss and consequences. Symposium Mammographicum 2006 9-11 July, Bournemouth, ENGLAND.
- Lichtner, V. and Wilson, S. (2005). Tools for Leisure Reading: The Challenge of Designing Emotions. 19th British Human-Computer Interaction Conference 5-9 September, Edinburgh.
- Ang, C.S., Zaphiris, P. and Wilson, S. (2005). Social Interaction in Game Communities and Second Language Learning. 19th British Human-Computer Interaction Conference 5-9 September, Edinburgh.
- Ang, C.S., Zaphiris, P. and Wilson, S. (2005). Wiki-mediated Collaborative/Distributed Narrative Construction of Game Communities. First International Wikimedia Conference 4-8 August, Frankfurt.
- Wilson, S., Galliers, J. and Fone, J. (2005). Medical Handover: A Study and Implications for Information Technology. International Conference on Healthcare Ergonomics Systems and Patient Safety (HEPS 2005) Florence, Italy.
- Armitage, U., Wilson, S. and Sharp, H. (2004). Learner Created Contents Lists in Educational Electronic Texts: An Experimental Study. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecomunications (Ed-Media 2004) 21-26 June, Lugano, Switzerland.
- Armitage, U., Wilson, S. and Sharp, H. (2004). Navigational Freedom and Knowledge Development in Electronic Texts. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecomunications (Ed-Media 2004) 21-26 June, Lugano, Switzerland.
- Zaphiris, P., Gill, K., Ma, T.H.Y., Wilson, S. and Petrie, H. (2004). Participatory design of information visualisation interfaces for digital libraries. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 21-26 June, Lugano, SWITZERLAND.
- Galliers, J., Wilson, S. and Fone, J. (2004). A Method for Determining Information Breakdown in Clinical Systems. IT in Healthcare 2004 Portland, Oregon.
- Armitage, U., Wilson, S. and Sharp, H. (2003). The Effects of Navigation Aids on Ownership for Learning with Electronic Texts. European Conference on E-Learning Glasgow.
- Dimitrova, M., Sharp, H. and Wilson, S. (2002). Categorising and Reporting Usability Problems of Educational Multimedia Interfaces. Proceedings Human-Computer Interaction 2002.
- Dimitrova, M., Sharp, H. and Wilson, S. (2002). Educational Multimedia Cognitive Walkthrough: Supporting the Prediction of Valid User Problems. Proceedings Human-Computer Interaction 2002.
- Dimitrova, M., Sharp, H. and Wilson, S. (2001). Are Experts Able to Predict Learner Problems During Usability Evaluations? World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecomunications (Ed-Media 2001) 25-30 June, Tampere, Finland.
- Dimitrova, M.T., Sharp, H. and Wilson, S. (2001). Why Do Experts Predict Invalid Problems? An Empirical Investigation into the Validity of Expert Evaluations of Instructional Multimedia Software. Proceedings HCI International 2001.
- Sutcliffe, A. and Wilson, S. (1999). Designing Multimedia Presentations. SEVENTH IFIP CONFERENCE ON HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION INCORPORATING HCI '99 30 Aug 1999 – 3 Sep 1999, Edinburgh.
- van de Kant, M., Wilson, S., Bekker, M., Johnson, H. and Johnson, P. (1998). PatchWork: A Software Tool for Early Design. ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 18-23 April, Los Angeles, California.
- Johnson, P., Wilson, S. and Johnson, H. (1997). Designing User Interfaces from Analyses of Users' Tasks. Human-Computer Interaction, INTERACT '97, IFIP TC13 Interantional Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 14-18 July, Sydney, Australia.
- Johnson, P., Wilson, S. and Johnson, H. (1997). Designing User Interfaces from Analyses of Users' Tasks. CHI '97 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems: looking to the future 22-27 March, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Wilson, S., Bekker, M., Johnson, P. and Johnson, H. (1997). Helping and Hindering User Involvement - A Tale of Everyday Design. CHI'97 International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 22-27 March, Atlanta, Georgia.
- van Harmelen, M., Artim, J., Butler, K., Henderson, A., Roberts, D., Rossen, M.B. … Wilson, S. (1997). Object Models in User Interface Design. CHI97 Workshop, SIGCHI Bulletin.
- Johnson, P., Wilson, S. and Johnson, H. (1997). Designing User Interfaces from Analyses of Users' Tasks.
- Wilson, S., Bekker, M., Johnson, P. and Johnson, H. (1996). Costs and Benefits of User Involvement in Design: Practitioners' Views. People and Computers XI 20-23 August, London.
- Wilson, S. (1996). Reflections on Model-Based Design: Definitions and Challenges. 2nd International Workshop on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces (CADUI'96) 5-7 June, Namur, Belgium.
- Wilson, S. and Johnson, P. (1996). Bridging the Generation Gap: From Work Tasks to User Interface Designs. 2nd International Workshop on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces CADUI'96 5-7 June, Namur, Belgium.
- Bekker, M. and Wilson, S. (1996). Towards a Framework of Design Models. CHI'96 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
- Wilson, S. and Johnson, P. (1995). Empowering Users in a Task-Based Approach to Design. Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS'95) 23-25 August, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
- Johnson, P. and Wilson, S. (1994). Designing Interactive Systems from Task Scenarios. 15th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Psychology and Informatics Scharding, Austria.
- Johnson, P., Wilson, S., Markopoulos, P. and Pycock, J. (1993). ADEPT - Advanced Design Environment for Prototyping with Task Models. InterCHI'93, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 24-29 April, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Wilson, S., Johnson, P., Kelly, C., Cunningham, J. and Markopoulos, P. (1993). Beyond Hacking: A Model-Based Approach to User Interface Design. HCI'93, People and Computers VIII.
- Wilson, S., Markopoulos, P., Pycock, J. and Johnson, P. (1992). Modelling Perspectives in User Interface Design. East-West International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (EWHCI'92) 4-8 August, St. Petersburg, Russia.
- Markopoulos, P., Wilson, S., Pycock, J. and Johnson, P. (1992). Formal Specifications and Task Based User Interface Design. Eurographics Workshop on Formal Methods in Computer Graphics June, Marina de Carrera, Italy.
- Markopoulos, P., Pycock, J., Wilson, S. and Johnson, P. (1992). Adept - A Task Based Design Environment. 25th International Conference on System Sciences 8-10 January, Hawaii.
- Wallis, S., Wilson, S. and Hopkins, T. (1991). Declarative Objects for Simulation and User Interfaces. Multiconference on Object Oriented Simulation 23-25 January, Anaheim, California.
- Johnson, P., Drake, K. and Wilson, S. (1990). A Framework for Integrating UIMS and User Task Models in the Design of User Interfaces. User Interface Management and Design 4-6 June, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Wilson, S.M., Taylor, P., Potts, H., Wilkinson, L., Khoo, L. and Given-Wilson, R. Evaluation of CAD with Full Field Digital Mammography in the NHS Breast Screening Programme. NHS Cancer Screening Programmes, Fulwood House, Old Fulwood Road, Sheffield (Available at http://www.cancerscreening.nhs.uk/breastscreen/publications/nhsbsp-equipment-report-0910.pdf).
- Randell, R., Mamykina, L., Fitzpatrick, G., Tang, C. and Wilson, S.M. Evaluating New Interactions in Healthcare: Challenges and Approaches. Proceedings CHI2009 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Journal articles (53)
- Taylor, P., Wilson, S., Potts, H., Wilkinson, L., Khoo, L. and Given-Wilson, R. (2009). Evaluation of CAD with Full Field Digital Mammography in the NHS Breast Screening Programme..
Professional activities
Online articles (27)
- The Longitude Prize on Dementia, Semi-Finalist. (2023). City News
- Including people with aphasia in the design process. (2020). Medium
- User Research in Government. (2019). GOV.UK
- EVA Park celebrated as one of the world’s 100 most inspiring examples of tech for good. (2016). City, University of London
- Braille smartwatches, bespoke wheelchairs… technology that matters. (2016). Southwark Carers
- Nominet Trust Unveils 2016’s 100 Most Inspiring Examples of Tech for Good. (2016). Business Wire
- New Aphasia Research: What are the Benefits of EVA Park? (2016). The Stroke Association web-site
- Virtual world improves communication following stroke, says study. (2016). Science Daily
- Virtual Reality May Help Improve Communication in Stroke Patients with Aphasia. (2016). Rehab Management
- EVA Park Virtual World Helps Stroke Patients Regain Speaking Skills. (2016). medGadget
- NEWS: UK Tech4Good Awards 2015. (2015). Kate Russell
- How digital technology is helping speech therapy. (2015). ils Rehabilitation Solutions
- Virtual world improves communication following stroke. (2015). MedicalXpress
- City University London’s ‘unruly’ pop-up in heart of Tech City. (2013). Times Higher Education http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/news/city-university-londons-unruly-pop-up-in-heart-of-tech-city/2009107.article
- Ada Lovelace day: women in science and technology. (2013). GuardianWitness
- City University researchers developing technology to assist stroke victims. (2010). Institution of Mechanical Engineers
- Motion sensors to aid stroke victim treatment. (2010). The Engineer
- Wii-like technologies may help stroke survivors improve communication skills. (2010). Scientific Computing
- Apple iPad, Nintendo Wii Can Help Stroke Victims Communicate. (2010). eWeek
- Study tests wii-style aphasia treatment. (2010). Digital Health
- Wii-like technologies may help stroke survivors improve communication skills. (2010). Virtual Medical Worlds
- Wii-like motion tech may help rehabilitate stroke survivors. (2010). TechDigest
- Wii-like motion tech may help rehabilitate stroke survivors. (2010). TechEye
- Boffins turn to Wii tech for speech-loss therapy. (2010). The Register
- Wii-like Technologies May Help Stroke Survivors Improve Communication Skills. (2010). ChemInfo
- Linda Kellie is back in OpenSim. HypergridBusiness
- Braille smartwatches, bespoke wheelchairs... technology that matters. The Guardian
Other (5)
- External Examiner for Shreya Tadas's PhD, User-Centred Digital Health in Cardiovascular Rehabilitation and Self-Management, University College Dublin (2022).
- External Examiner for Camille Nadal's PhD, User Acceptance of Health and Mental Health Care Technologies, Trinity College Dublin (2022).
- External Examiner for Jennifer Beeston's PhD, Social experiences of people with disabilities in playing (in)accessible digital games, University of York (2020).
- External Examiner for Dharshana Jayewardene's PhD, Mobile Smartphone Applications for Healthcare Practitioners, University of Leeds (2019).
- External Examiner for Tobias Mulling's PhD, Embracing the gesture-driven interface: design and evaluation of a mid-air gestural approach based on manipulation, University of Brighton (2018).