The Senate Regulations, the Student and Academic Policies, and the Validated and Institutional Partnerships Handbook make up City's Quality Assurance Framework.
Validated and Institutional Partnerships Handbook
Senate Regulations set out the specific rules and principles which students sign up to as part of the Terms and Conditions of study with City, University of London.
Policies sit alongside the regulations and contain overall internal approach that City takes to applying the Regulations consistently.
Guidance documents provide additional details on process and procedure to support the operation of a policy in practice.
Further resources and support available to you can also be found on the Student Hub.
Guidance and policies for students
Programme Development, Approval, Publicity and Termination
Student Terms and Conditions and Information
Student Assessment
Academic Integrity and Misconduct Policy and Guidance
Assessment and Feedback Policy
Regulation 19: Assessment Regulations
Regulation 20: Student Academic Appeals for Taught Programmes
Regulation 21: Student Academic Appeals for Research Programmes
Student Academic Appeals Policy
Taught Students Stage 1 Appeals Form (accessible via e:Vision)
Taught Students Request for Stage 2 Level Review Appeals Form (accessible via e:Vision)
Stage 1 Appeal Form Research Students
Student Environment
Regulation 13: Student Discipline
Regulation 26: Student Complaints
Student Complaints Form – Stage 2 Local Level Resolution (accessible via Qualtrics)
Student Complaints Form – Stage 3 Institutional Level Review (accessible via Qualtrics)
Student Bullying and Harassment Policy
Student Support
Student Attendance and Engagement Policy
Extenuating Circumstances Policy
Extenuating Circumstances Form (accessible via e:Vision)
SHPS Fitness to Practise (Train) Policy and Procedure
Interruption of Studies and Withdrawal - Policy
Interruption of Studies and Withdrawal - Student Guidance
Regulation 10: Support to Study
Student Contact with Teaching Staff Beyond Formal Learning Opportunities Policy
Hands On Policy - a clear code of practice in relation to touching. The use of touch is an inherent part of dance, singing and acting training.
Student Voice
Quality Assurance and Review Processes
Doctoral College (Research Degrees)
Validations and Partnerships
Contact us
Please note that following our merger, the policies on our website are the previous City policies. All policies are subject to review and re-development as part of the integration within City St George’s, University of London.