This page provides information about the financial implications of a temporary or permanent withdrawal from your programme of study at City, University of London.
This information is for undergraduate and postgraduate Home / EU students in receipt of Student Finance England (SFE) funding.
If you are considering an interruption of studies or a withdrawal from your course you should consult your Programme Office and/ or Personal Tutor in the first instance.
Your student record may show as being ‘dormant’ (non-attendance) or ‘suspended’.
Useful links
The Government website has information around:
Our StudentHub also has information around fees and finance and student attendance.
Further advice and support
If you have any further questions or would like to discuss your circumstances in more detail, please contact the Student Funding Team by submitting a query in Support@City.
Please note that following our merger, the policies on our website are the previous City policies. All policies are subject to review and re-development as part of the integration within City St George’s, University of London.