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  1. Digital course readings
Library Services

Digital course readings

What are digital course readings?

Digital course readings are scanned extracts of books and journals not available online that we have made available as a password protected document on Reading Lists Online.  Students are able to read them online and download them for future reference.

This is permitted under the terms and conditions of the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) Higher Education Licence.

Where can I find digital course readings?

In accordance with Library Services' Reading List Policy digital course readings must be made available via Reading Lists Online.  This ensures that Library Services can meet the requirements of the CLA licence.  This includes annual reporting of copyrighted material made available to students in this way.

To arrange training on Reading Lists Online contact your Subject Librarian or the Digitisation Team at

Can I scan a document and put it on Moodle?

No.  Do not make readings available on Moodle.  Only authorised scans prepared by library staff may be shared with students.  This also ensures all scans are of a good quality and accessible (for example, can be read with a screen reader), in addition to meeting the full requirements of the CLA licence.

Scanning a document and putting it on Moodle yourself risks infringing copyright law.

The Copyright and Moodle guide gives advice about making material available to students via Moodle without contravening copyright law or licence terms.

What can be made a digital course reading?

Extracts added to the digital course readings collection must conform to the terms of the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) licence which City holds. Library staff can advise on whether particular extracts may be digitised, but as a guideline all the following criteria must be met:

  • the number of pages to be digitised must not exceed 10% or one chapter of the published work, or one article of a journal issue
  • the publisher and title must be covered by the licence. To check if a publication is covered for scanning use the CLA's title search tool

Textbook substitution

CLA licensed digital course readings must not be used as an alternative to textbooks.  Students should purchase their own copies of essential texts.

For further guidance contact the the Digitisation Team at or check the CLA user guidelines.

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What will it cost?

There is no cost for scanning material in the library's collection.

The cost varies for scanning material not in the library's collection.  Details are on the CLA website.

Any costs are deducted from the library financial allocation for your School.

If the total cost of an extract exceeds £50 your Subject Librarian will be consulted before proceeding as there may be alternatives.

Readings are made available to students for the duration of their course and can be renewed annually at no recurring expense.

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Requesting a digital course reading

To request digital course readings contact your Subject Librarian with the details of the reading and the following, essential, information:

  • Module name(s)
  • Module code(s)
  • School name
  • Academic's name
  • Student numbers (essential)
  • Term(s) in which module is taught

If the publication is available in the library, the Digitisation Team aims to make the reading available within two working days. At busy periods (such as leading up to the beginning of term) this may take up to five working days. Otherwise, we will notify you of any waiting time.

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Further information

Please contact the Digitisation Team at or your Subject Librarian if you would like more information about digital course readings.

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